Thank you for your interest in the Ph.D. in Business Administration (PhD-BA) program.
The PhD in Business Administration (PhD-BA), Concentration in Finance allows students to advance to the highest levels of business education. The program has been designed with a special focus on the business needs and challenges of the UAE and neighboring countries. Those undertaking the program will be given unique opportunities for collaborative and interdisciplinary research, preparing them to advance their careers in the public or private sectors, as well as academia.
The program admits both part-time and full-time students. Competitive assistantships are available for qualified full-time students.
For admission to Ph.D. in Business Administration (PhD-BA). Applicants must have completed a master of science relevant to the concentration applied for, or a Master of Business Administration degree, with a minimum CGPA of 3.0. Applicants to the PhD-BA with a Concentration in Finance will be required to have completed a graduate-level course in applied econometrics.
AUS has partnered with the University of South Carolina’s (UofSC) Darla Moore School of Business to provide Ph.D. students of both universities the opportunity to spend the second year of their Ph.D. program abroad, allowing them to benefit from the experience of international study and the opportunity to earn degrees from two well-respected institutions.
Applying to AUS?
To apply, please log in to
For detailed information on applying and the required documents, please visit
PhD-BA intake is in the Fall semesters. Applicants can submit applications only for Fall semesters.
For application deadlines and important dates, please visit
To view the tuition and fees, please visit
To know about PHD assistantship opportunities please refer to
Applicants who earned their undergraduate degrees from universities outside the UAE must present a Certificate of Equivalency or a Qualification Recognition Report (QRR). For more information, please visit
For easy access and helpful information, please visit
Attached, you can find our Ph.D. Business Administration-Finance program brochure.
Once again, we thank you for your interest in AUS!
If you need more information or assistance, feel free to contact us on any of the channels at
For more information about the program, please contact:
Dr. Taisier Zoubi
Associate Dean for Graduate Programs
Dr. Osamah AlKhazali
Program Coordinator
Tel +9716 515 2320
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